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Покупая материалы для ремонта люди в настоящее время учитывают не только практичность, долговечнос...

International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate” has finished its work!

The organizer of the ExpoForum Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. expresses gratitude to partner...

We continue sharing the news of the exhibition with you!

International Laboratory of Architecture 2018 within the International ExpoForum “Building. Architec...

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Articles about us

Interview with Nataliia Moshynska, chief architect of Kyiv region, at the International Expoforum "Building. Architecture. Real Estate"


Interview of Dmytro Rudchenko, general director of AEROC at the International Expoforum "Building. Architecture. Real Estate"


Plans of housing development of Kyiv region presented at Marathon of Projects

The second day of the Marathon of Projects – the 17th of September – was devoted to presentation of general layouts and projects of construction of residential complexes, cottage houses, shopping malls and schools in Kyiv region.

Read more: Plans of housing development of Kyiv region presented at Marathon of Projects


Lecture “Classicism and Art Déco in modern interiors” from designer and architect Anna Nikitina

The famous designer and architect delivered the lecture “Classicism and Art Déco in modern interiors” while participating in the International Days of Design and Architecture. The realized projects of Anna are known not only in Kyiv, but also abroad. The guests of the Expoforum were presented one of her most renowned works.

Read more: Lecture “Classicism and Art Déco in modern interiors” from designer and architect Anna Nikitina


Actual and rich business events program of the last day of the International Expoforum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate”

Hurry up to visit the International Expoforum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate” and learn the  ovelties represented by the companies, as well as receive precious information at lectures, seminars and workshops from the world renowned professionals.

Read more: Actual and rich business events program of the last day of the International Expoforum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate”


Marathon of Projects finished!

Today, the first, exclusive and already successful project of the Expoforum – the Marathon of projects –has finished its work. Within two days at the VIP zone, over 50 projects of prospective housing construction in Kyiv and Kyiv region were presented.

Read more: Marathon of Projects finished!