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Marathon of Projects finished!

Today, the first, exclusive and already successful project of the Expoforum – the Marathon of projects –has finished its work. Within two days at the VIP zone, over 50 projects of prospective housing construction in Kyiv and Kyiv region were presented. The large audience witnessed non-stop presentations of the most famous architects and heads of the largest design studios. Participants and guests of the Marathon underlined the importance of such event held during the exhibition for the industry development and noted that namely such meetings in the close circle of partners and colleagues were a unique and sometimes the only opportunity to discuss the most important matters at the same time and place.

The organizer of the Marathon of Projects – Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. – is grateful to all guests, participants and partners of the event: Ukrainian Building Community (UBC), the companies of PERI, AEROC, REHAU, RUBEZH and BarlinekInvest.

Follow the updates on the Marathon of Projects at the official website of the Expoforum www.comfort-house.kiev.ua and its pages in the social networks.