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Innovations in construction industry at expoforum Building, Architecture, Real Estate 2016

On October, 7 in the frames of the 2nd day of the expoforum Building, Architecture, Real Estate 2016 UREC INNOVATION CONFERENCE 2016 was held. This conference was devoted to architectural and technical innovations and their influence onto investment attractiveness of commercial and residential property.

Among the speakers of the event were the representatives of the pioneering companies in the sphere of new architectural solutions and innovations. New ready projects and projects at the development stage with innovative solutions in architecture and design were demonstrated. Real estate of the future – smart systems in the projects of residential and commercial real estate were presented by Tymofii Havryliuk, founder of Home Systems. Andrii Smirnov, director of Acoustik Traffic LLC, touched the important topic of sound isolation for real estate, the sphere he had practical experience. Not less important matter of improving energy saving was uncovered by Andrii Zadorozhnyi, technical consultant of Fomalgaut Polimin. Technologies of the KNAUF company for improving habitat were demonstrated by Hennadii Nesterenko, head of system solutions department. The interesting project ASTARTA was presented by Ivan Puholovkin, commercial director of ASTARTA.