Marathon of Projects at the International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real estate”
The distinct feature of the first day of work of Marathon of Projects at the International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real estate” is its rich business program and informative reports of the speakers. The first to present his ideas was Oleksandr Baranovskyi, Secretary of National Architects Union of Ukraine. His report included presentations of entries for the contest “Revitalization of waterfront area of the Lybid River”. The winner is the project of creation of innovative technological park on the riverbank. The project reveals the ways to change geometry of the river and shows a variant of monorail observation road. Besides, the developers suggested to “wrap” the pipes of the heating main into speculum material. They were inspired for this idea by the sculpture of Cloud-Gate in Chicago.
Presentation of entries of the contest “Renovation of waterfront areas of the Pochaina River” was amazing as well. Annabella Morina, Head of the jury of the contest, in her presentation showed that the Pochaina River, which was unattractive for citizens and guests of Kyiv, was filled with rubbish. After the rubbish was removed, some trees were planted and a beautiful mural was painted, the place become popular with visitors. Besides, the contest “Pochaina Park” for the best planning of park area next to the river was announced. Annabella demonstrated works of the participants in her presentation.
Member of the jury of the contest “Renovation of waterfront areas of the Pochaina River” and Counselor of the Chief Architect of Kyiv Katharine George (Germany) told about “Renovation of waterfront areas of the inner-city rivers on the example of projects realized in Germany”. Ukraine and Germany have much in common regarding the problem of renovation of waterfront areas. And the way the problem was solved in Berlin and Leipzig can be applied in Kyiv.
Interesting and important topic relevant for the future city building in Kyiv – “Creative approach to planning of shopping malls in modern conditions” was highlighted by Edward Khodorkovsky, Director of “М+А Global Architects”(USA). Mixed-use shopping malls in the US are nothing new. Mixed or multifunctional use is a concept that means diversity of functions, social layers and ages in boarders of one or few areas. Bright examples of these shopping malls are Easton town center (Columbia, Ohio), Watters creek (Arlen, Texas), Victoria square (Belfast, Great Britain).
Do not miss the second day of Marathon of Projects. Presentations of projects, latest tendencies in project engineering and too many more to mention are waiting for you.