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Development of modern art considered at Expoforum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate”

On the 16th of September in the Design Innovation zone of the KyivExpoPlaza exhibition center, architect Vladyslav Holdakovskyi delivered a very interesting lecture devoted to the topic “From early modernism to social modeling”.

Vladyslav is the co-founder of the studio of design and social practices “10 Design and social practices”, as well as the social architecture lab “Lines and Circles”.

In the first row, he dwelt of the development of modern design and the understanding of where modernism had come from, the reasons for its development and the ways it would continue developing. Although visitors had not many questions, they were engaged by the bright examples, definitions and provoking theses of the architect, as the lecture was quite interactive.

The speaker touched upon many interesting topics, among which were conceptual architectire, parametric architecture, Junk Space etc.

As for Junk Space, Vladyslav noted that the programs of attracting consumers to creation of products adjusting to the demand and creating competitive advantages were quite popular at the time.

The event was organized by Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd.