Какие отделочные материалы безопасны?

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We continue sharing the news of the exhibition with you!

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Dear friends, let us remind you that on September, 18 the conference “COST OF SAVING. MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR REDUCING OPERATING COST” will be held.

The organizer of the event – Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. – and its partners Ukrainian Building Community (UBC), Construction Chamber of Ukraine and media partner Edipresse Ukraine invited representatives of organizations of residential apartment houses co-owners and maintenance companies, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, as well as representatives of banks providing loans to energy efficient programs in communal services sphere.

Hurry up to visit the event and participate in any of the sessions you are interested in!

Session 1: “State programs on energy efficiency“

Session 2: “Energy efficient materials and equipment”

Session 3: “Loans: how to work with banks”

More details about the Forum events are available via tel.: +380 44 461 93 46 and +380 44 490 62 20.

Follow the program of the Forum events at the website www.comfort-house.kiev.ua